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Music for Me

Parent Participation Form

Parents of children in one of Waltons New School of Music's Music for Me courses (Making Music, Musical Adventures and Musical Explorations) are encouraged to volunteer as 'helpers' for one of the classes each term, although this is not a requirement. Volunteers are there not only to assist the Music for Me teacher with class activities but also to understand better what their children are learning. Participating in your child's class shows how much you value his or her musical discoveries!

This Parent Participation Form is for the three Music for Me courses taking place in our 2024-2025 First Term (September-December).

Please provide your child's name and age, your name, your email address and the course your child is in. Then select the date or dates when you are available, and we will select one based on both your and other parents' availability. (The more flexible parents can be, the more people we can accommodate.) We will then contact you to confirm the date you will be participating. Only one parent can participate in each class.

Finally, please let us know as soon as possible if you are not able to participate on a date that has been assigned to you, so we can offer that date to another parent.

If you are available to participate in your child's course this term, please select your available date(s). Although your availability on more than one date would be helpful for our scheduling, you will only be asked to participate in one class.
Music for Me Parent Participation
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