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Frequently Asked Questions about

Music for Me

What is Music for Me?

Music for Me is Waltons New School of Music's 'pre-instrumental' or 'early years' programme, designed to introduce children to the world of music, prepare them for further music exploration and help them to have a successful transition into instrumental study. The programme can be taken sequentially, from the ages of 3 to 6, or children can enter, subject to available places, at various stages.

How many children are there in each Music for Me class?

There are up to twelve children in each Music for Me class.

Can I accompany my child to class?

Although children attend classes on their own, parents are welcome to stay in the classes as observers for the first couple of weeks until their child is acclimatised, but your continued presence after that can be distracting and even disruptive for the children. However, we encourage parents to participate as 'helpers' for one of the classes, although this is not a requirement. Please use our Music for Me Parent Participation Form to let us know what date or dates during the term that you are available to do this. Volunteers are there not only to assist the Music for Me teacher with class activities but also to understand better what their children are learning. Parents, either participating or observing, should never bring other children into the class, as this can also be distracting and disruptive.

What if my child doesn't like the course?

The first class in a new environment with strangers can often be stressful, especially for children who haven't been away from their parents or taken a group class before. Music for Me classes are a cumulative experience in which the children grow and learn together, and one or two classes is not a true indicator of a child's educational experience over a 10-week course. If, however, your child has not settled into the class within two or three weeks, or if the school recommends that your child not continue, an allowance will be made for fees paid. If a parent decides to remove a child for other reasons, the tuition fee cannot be refunded or applied to other tuition.

During the course, my child will be old enough for the next level. Which course should I enrol my child in?

You should enrol your child in the course that is age-appropriate when it begins. Your child can then move on to the next Music for Music course after the current course finishes.

Can my child take the same Music for Me course again?

Yes. Your child can repeat a Music for Me course, subject to availability, as long as he/she remains within the age range of the course. In fact, we encourage this. There will be variation in the course activities each time a course runs, and the course's key concepts will also be reinforced through repetition. If a child is in a different age range at the end end of a course, then he/she can move on to the next course.

Why is my child drawing pictures in a music class?

The majority of your child's classes will consist of active music making, as well as listening and responding to music. However, the Music for Me programme helps children learn musical concepts by reinforcing them through other creative activities. For example, children might experience and understand a steady beat by playing it on an instrument, moving their bodies to the beat and/or creating a picture that shows the repetitive pattern of steady beats. This process is in accordance with the findings of many researchers who have studied how children learn best.

Can my neurodiverse or Down syndrome child take part in Music for Me courses?

Yes. Children with Asperger's syndrome, Down syndrome and other conditions have taken part in, enjoyed and benefited from our Music for Me courses. It is important, however, that you inform us of your child's condition and any specific needs in the Medical Condition • Special Requirements section of our enrolment form so that we can make an informed decision about his/her tuition. It will also be very helpful for us to discuss your child's specific needs with you before the course begins.

What's next after the Music for Me programme?

Children can take private (one-to-one), partner or small group lessons in a wide range of instruments, both in the school and online. (The New School has the most comprehensive online tuition programme of any music school in Ireland.) We also offer four group instrumental courses for children aged 6-8:

Does the New School have a child protection policy?

Yes. The New School has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy in place, all of our teachers are Garda vetted and our Music for Me teacher has extensive experience working with young children.

How are you making the New School safe for my child during the time of COVID-19?

Although thankfully the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, the illness remains a threat. The health and safety of all New School students and staff are of paramount importance to us, so our COVID-19 safety equipment and policies remain in place. These include:

  • Installation of HEPA air filtration/purification units where necessary.
  • Antiseptic dispensers available throughout the school.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of both classroom instruments and furniture between lessons and classes.
  • Regular cleaning of public spaces.

See our COVID-19 Safety Policy page for more information on what we have done, as well as the protocols we expect all in-school students and visitors to follow.

My question isn't listed here. Who can I ask?

You are welcome to contact the New School's administrative staff by phone on (01) 478 1884 or through our Contact Form (link below). We're happy to answer any additional questions you may have about our Music for Me programme or the New School in general.


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