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Leaving Cert. Music
Preliminary Course

Intensive Preparation for
Leaving Cert. Music Study

Saturday & Sunday
21 & 22 September 2024

'It's amazing how much we learned in a single weekend. I feel much more confident starting Leaving Cert. Music now.'
– S. Fogarty

'Got me ready for Leaving Cert. Music – in two days!'
– P. Loughins

More Information

Course Description

Are you interested in studying Leaving Cert. Music? Do you play an instrument or sing but haven't studied music theory or Junior Cert. Music? At Waltons New School of Music we think music at Leaving Cert. level should be accessible to any student with a genuine interest in it. With this in mind, in 1999 we developed the Leaving Cert. Music Preliminary Course, designed for students intending to enter either our Two-Year Course or another Leaving Cert. Music course without either Junior Cert. Music or formal studies in music theory. Taking place over a single weekend in September, the Preliminary Course covers the fundamentals of music theory up to Junior Cert. standard as a preparation for Leaving Cert. It is also useful for students who want to take a refresher course in music theory before starting Leaving Cert. Music.

Like all of the New School's Leaving Cert. Music courses, this online course can be taken by students living anywhere in Ireland.

The following elements are covered:

  • Rhythmic note values
  • Time signatures
  • Bass and treble clefs: reading the staves and ledger lines
  • Major and minor scales
  • Key signatures
  • Naming chords using roman numerals and guitar backing chords
  • Recognising major and minor triads
  • Harmony using guitar backing chords
  • Answering a given four-bar melodic phrase

Course handouts, in pdf format, will be provided for further study and revision.


Participants in this course will need:

  • An internet-connected laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone. (A laptop or computer with webcam and microphone is strongly recommended, as it will have the largest picture.)
  • Headphones or earbuds, if possible.
  • Ideally, internet speed at least 1.5Mb per second. (You can test your speed using Measurement Lab's Speed Test.)
  • Free Zoom software or app.*
  • Music manuscript paper. If you don't have this, you can download printable music manuscript paper here.

*    If you haven't learned music with Zoom before, please see our printable Zoom for Students information sheet for information on how to set up Zoom for music tuition.

Before the course begins, the teacher will email you a Zoom meeting invitation that includes a meeting ID and password to join it.

Enrol in this course.


Questions about the course?


or call us on (01) 478 1884.


Prospective Leaving Cert. Music students who have not completed Junior Cert. Music and who are unsure whether or not to take this course should download, print and complete our Leaving Cert. Music Self-Assessment. If you have difficulty answering any of the questions, we recommend that you take the Preliminary Course or private music theory tuition before commencing Leaving Cert. Music, either with the New School or elsewhere.

Aodh Quigley

Aodh QuigleyAn experienced post-primary music teacher, choir director and singer, Aodh (he/him) holds a BMusEd degree from Trinity College Dublin and TU Dublin Conservatoire, where he specialised in flute performance and composition, as well as an MA in Choral Studies from Dublin City University. He has a great interest in singing, conducting and composing for choirs of all ages and abilities. In addition to his work as a music teacher, Aodh currently sits on the committee of Kodály Ireland as both Inclusion Officer and Public Relations Officer. And he is currently the Marketing Officer with Pipeworks International Organ and Choral Festival. Aodh is committed to inclusive musical excellence in education, and he is passionate about helping Leaving Certificate students reach their full potential in the examinations and beyond.

'I believe that learning to perform and appreciate music is a hugely life-affirming thing, at any age or stage. That has been my experience, and it is an absolute honour to find myself in the position where I can pass this joy and this love on to others through music education in lots of different settings. Teaching Leaving Cert. Music is an opportunity to do this in a unique way, as many of my students over the years have told me that even if school is difficult, coming to music class is something they look forward to in their week. It's a privilege to guide students through this uniquely creative subject that is so close to my heart!'

Reviews • Testimonials

'I honestly didn't think I would be brought up to speed and ready for Leaving Cert. Music in such a short space of time, but I was! Highly recommended.'
– D. McCarthy

'Very clear and informative. A must for music students.'
– M. Oliver

'I learned so much in just two days and feel so much more confident about studying music now. I would highly recommend the course for anyone interested in Leaving Cert. Music who hasn't studied music theory before.'
– E. Thompson

Have you taken this course? We would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to give us your feedback in a brief online questionnaire about it.


2024 Course Schedule

21 & 22 September 2024

Saturday & Sunday
10 am – 1 pm, 2 – 4 pm


Preliminary Course: €160
Preliminary Course & Two-Year Course (if booked together): €600 *

* Students enrolling for both our Two-Year Course and our Preliminary Course together receive a 25% discount (€40) off the Preliminary Course.

The fee includes pdf course handouts, which will be sent to students.


Enrolment in this course requires a completed Leaving Cert. Music Enrolment Form and full payment of the tuition fee. Places on the course are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date of enrolment.


Questions about the course?


Leaving Cert. Music
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