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Group Courses
for Beginners

'Music is essentially useless, as life is.'
– George Santayana

The New School offers both in-school and online Introducing group courses that provide foundation tuition for absolute beginners in a wide range of instruments, as well as singing. Each term's Introducing courses start from scratch. Continuation 'Improvers' courses can generally be scheduled in the following term for students who have completed them. Taught by experts in their fields, our Introducing courses have taught thousands of beginners how to play an instrument or learn to sing.

We offer both in-school and online versions of some of these courses. In-school courses take place at the New School. (See our Location page for details.) Online courses take place where you are, anywhere in Ireland or around the world.

The pages in this section of our website include all of the New School's current Introducing courses. Please click on the images below to access them.

Group Courses for Beginners
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