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Music Programme

'I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for in the patterns of music and all the arts are the keys of learning.'
– Plato

'Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel. If we are to hope for a society of culturally literate people, music must be a vital part of our children's education.'
– Yo-Yo Ma

'Teaching is not my main purpose. If children hear fine music from the day of birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.'
– Shinichi Suzuki

Designed for children aged 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6, the New School's Music for Me pre-instrumental (early years) music courses provide unique introductions to music and music-making, all in a nurturing and creative environment.

More Information

Music for Me Courses

Our Music for Me programme is divided into three courses by age group:

Taking place during each of the New School's First – Third Terms (October – December, January – March/April and April – June), these courses are designed to prepare children for further music exploration and help them to make a successful transition to instrumental study. The courses can be taken sequentially, or children can enter, subject to available places, at any level.

Children are welcome to repeat a course as long as they remain within the age range of the course. The activities will vary each time the course runs, and the course's key concepts will be reinforced through repetition.

The curriculum for each level is geared and paced to the abilities, developmental stage and learning styles of that particular age. Classes move at a lively pace that keeps children engaged and having fun while learning.

Depending on age group, Music for Me classes incorporate some or all of the following elements:

  • Moving. Children love to move. Moving to music allows them both to express themselves and to develop their bodies, ears and imaginations.
  • Listening. Children are exposed to a wide variety of music, including new and traditional songs, different genres (classical, Irish traditional, jazz, etc.) and music from other countries and cultures. 'Natural' sounds and soundscapes (rain, thunder, animal sounds) are also explored.
  • Exploring. Children play with music's 'building blocks' (rhythm, melody, etc.). Older groups learn the rudiments of tonic solfa (doh, re, mi) and music reading.
  • Making. Children discover music by making it their own. They collectively improvise and ‘compose’ pieces through which many elements of music can be explored (melody, pitch, rhythm, range, tempo, dynamics, structure, tonality, instrumentation, mood, timbre and texture).
  • Meeting the Instruments. Children have the opportunity to examine the physical and sound-making properties of several instruments, and are introduced to various instruments and instrument families (strings, wind, keyboard, guitar, traditional, etc.) through visits by New School faculty members.

'[A] great teacher, very good with kids. My two children (4 and 5 years old) were in her class [Music for Me], taking their first steps in music. After only few weeks, they were soaking up music basics without even realizing it, while having real fun.'
– S. Cesvre

'[My daughter] really enjoyed coming to her class. It was the highlight of her week, and we would listen to the songs she had learnt all through the week. It was great to see her grow confident amongst the other children. The teacher was great with the kids and always brought a smile to [my daughter's] face. Thanks again for your help!'
– S. McKenzie

Child Safety and COVID-19 Information

The health and safety of children attending lessons and courses at the New School is of the utmost importance to us.

First, the New School has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy in place, and all teachers are Garda vetted.

And second, we have made a number of changes to our equipment and policies to make the New School as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include:

  • Perspex screens in every classroom.
  • Installation of HEPA air filtration/purification units where necessary.
  • Antiseptic dispensers available throughout the school.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of both classroom instruments and furniture between lessons and classes.
  • Regular cleaning of public spaces.

See our COVID-19 Safety Policy page for more information on what we have done, as well as the protocols we expect all In-School students and visitors to follow.

Questions about our Music for Me Programme?

See our Music for Me FAQs page for some frequently asked questions about our courses. You can also use our Contact Form or call us on (01) 478 1884.

After Music for Me

Children have three alternatives after the Music for Me programme: one of our group courses for beginners, private (one-to-one) lessons or partner (two-person) lessons.

Group Courses for Beginners

We offer four group courses for beginners aged 6-8:

Introducing Guitar for Children
Introducing Piano/Keyboard for Children
Introducing Ukulele for Children
Introducing Violin for Children

Private Lessons

We offer both in-school and online private lessons in the widest range of instruments of any music school in Ireland. See our Instrumental • Vocal Departments pages for more information:

Drums • Percussion
Guitar • Bass • Ukulele
Piano • Keyboard
String Instruments
Traditional • Folk • World Instruments
Voice (Singing)
Wind Instruments

Partner Lessons

Partner lessons are a reasonably priced alternative to private lessons and are also available in a wide range of instruments. Students taking taking them benefit from mutual observation and motivate each other to improve – and the enjoyment will go well beyond the lessons as they practise and progress together. Young students enrolling for partner lessons should be around the same age, and parents are responsible for arranging them together.

Please contact us if you would like more information on any of these options.


Music for Me Programme Internships

Music for Me internships are open to students currently enrolled as undergraduates in music or music education programmes in Ireland. Interns will work alongside and under the supervision of the Music for Me teacher on an ongoing basis, developing their teaching skills and classroom management techniques. They may also have the opportunity to work with teachers and/or facilitators in the New School’s Outreach Programme. These internships are a valuable opportunity to work with an experienced pre-instrumental (early years) music teacher and gain valuable experience in music education for children. If interns do well, we are happy to provide references for them.

See our Job Opportunities page for more information.

Your Feedback

Has your child taken – or is he/she taking – a Music for Me course with the New School? We would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to give us your feedback in a brief online questionnaire about your experience.


We would also appreciate your Google review, which will help to spread the word about the quality of our tuition.


Pre-Instrumental Music Programme
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