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Gift Options

Looking for the perfect gift for someone who loves music? New School Gift Certificates and Gift Cards offer a range of possibilities.

More Information

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates, individually printed with the recipient's name, as well as a personal message, can cover entire courses, terms of private (one-to-one) lessons or single Intensive Lessons. See the following pages of our Tuition Catalogue for more information on tuition available at the New School:

Private • Partner • Intensive Lessons

Drums • Percussion
Guitar • Bass • Ukulele
Music Technology
Piano • Keyboard
String Instruments
Theory • Musicianship • Songwriting
Traditional • Folk • World Instruments
Voice (Singing)
Wind Instruments

Group Courses • Ensembles

Group Courses for Beginners
Group Courses for Intermediate Students
Music Technology
Pre-Instrumental Music Courses
Theory • Musicianship • Songwriting

New School Gift Certificate

Purchasing Gift Certificates

To purchase a Gift Certificate, simply complete our Booking Form (see last tab on this page). Gift Certificates can also include personal messages to you or the recipient, and there is a place in the Booking Form to add this. To pay for the Gift Certificate, simply follow up by phoning the school office on (01) 478 1884, or we can email you an online invoice for payment. You can pick up the Gift Certificate from the school office, we can email a PDF of the Gift Certificate to you or the recipient for printing or we can post the Gift Certificate either to you or to the recipient. (A €5 postage and handling charge applies for Gift Certificates posted to Irish addresses, and a €10 postage and handling charge applies to foreign addresses.)

Booking Tuition after Receiving a Gift Certificate

Except for group courses where a place is already reserved for the recipient by the giver, a Gift Certificate does not guarantee a place on our private lesson timetable or on a group course. The recipient should contact the New School office on (01) 478 1884 at his/her earliest convenience, in order to book the lessons/course. Space is limited on group courses and bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis. If the recipient is taking private lessons, he/she will be asked to choose from the places available on our timetable. Scheduling of private lessons will depend on available time slots with the most suitable teacher(s). Scheduling of new Second and Third Term enrolments takes place no earlier than two weeks before the start of term. Should no suitable places be available on in a group course or on our private lesson timetable, the recipient can choose either to take private lessons in another instrument or another course, or take his/her lessons/course in another term. Booking of Intensive Lessons is subject to teacher availability.

Terms & Conditions
  1. A Gift Certificate entitles the recipient to the specified number of private lessons, intensive lessons, Irish music tasters, group course, workshop or ensemble and is valid for one calendar year from date of purchase.
  2. A Gift Certificate does not guarantee the recipient a place on our private lesson timetable or in a particular group course, workshop or ensemble, and he/she will need to formally enrol at the school after receiving the Gift Certificate.
  3. Should no suitable places be available on our private lesson timetable or in a particular group course, workshop or ensemble, the recipient can choose either to take lessons in another instrument or another course, workshop or ensemble, or to take his/her tuition in another term.
  4. Gift Certificates have no cash value and may be redeemed only for the specified lessons, course, workshop or ensemble, or tuition of equivalent value.

Questions about Gift Certificates?


Gift Cards

Electronic Gift Cards can be used by the recipient towards all tuition offered by Waltons New School of Music, as well as towards instruments, sheet music and accessories from Waltons Music. They might be used to help defray the cost of lessons or given along with a course to purchase sheet music or to help purchase an instrument. Gift cards come in an attractive presentation folder and include a letter on how to use them, which can also include a personal message from you. (There is a place in the Booking Form to add this message.)

Gift Card

Purchasing Gift Cards

To purchase a Gift Card, simply complete our Booking Form (see last tab on this page). You can also purchase a Gift Card directly from the New School office (by phone or in person). And you can pay for it by phone, in person or through an online invoice. Please note that Gift Cards cannot be posted and must be picked up from the school office.

Using a Gift Card

Using a Gift Card is easy. The recipient simply presents it when making a purchase at Waltons New School of Music or Waltons Music, and the amount on the card will be deducted from the purchase price. If the purchase total is less than the value remaining on the Gift Card, the balance remaining will be available on the card for future purchases. If the purchase total is higher than the value remaining on the card, the recipient can pay the balance by cash or credit/debit card.

Topping Up

Gift Cards can be topped up at Waltons New School of Music or Waltons Music in Blanchardstown. Simply present the card at a till point and pay in the normal way.

Balance Enquiries

The card's current balance will be displayed on the receipt when a Gift Card is used to make a purchase at Waltons New School of Music or Waltons Music, or when it is topped up. You can also check your current balance by presenting your card at a till point.

Terms & Conditions
  1. The minimum value of a Gift Card purchased from Waltons New School of Music is €25.
  2. Gift Cards are valid only for tuition at Waltons New School of Music or purchases from Waltons Music.
  3. A Gift Card is not a credit, debit or cheque guarantee card.
  4. A Gift Card cannot be used to purchase additional gift cards, nor can the card (and any card balance) be exchanged for cash.
  5. If found, please return a lost Gift Card to Waltons New School of Music or Waltons Music in Blanchardstown.
  6. Neither Waltons New School of Music nor Waltons Music is liable for lost, stolen or damaged cards or any credit amounts on such cards. We reserve the right to issue another card for the balance of the original card at our discretion on production of your original receipt, but we are not responsible for funds used without your knowledge.

Questions about Gift Cards?


Gift Ideas

'I'd like to find out what learning
an instrument (or singing) is like.'

Available both in-school and online, one-off Intensive Lessons are offered for a huge range of instruments (including voice/singing) and subjects taught at the school and are suitable for players/singers of all ages and skill levels. They can be an end in themselves and are also a great way for people to 'try out' tuition and instruments. See our Intensive Lessons page for more information.

'I love Irish music and would like to
try playing it or learning more about it.'

Designed for absolute beginners (although our expert teachers – all renowned Irish traditional musicians – can take intermediate and advanced players as well) and available both in-school and online, our Irish Music Tasters include:

  • Bodhrán Taster – introduces some essential  playing techniques as well as the two most important rhythms of Irish music, reels an jigs.
  • Tin Whistle Taster – introduces the essentials of playing this beautiful and expressive Irish instrument, as well as a selection of great Irish tunes.
  • An Introduction to Irish Music – includes a fascinating historical survey of Irish traditional music, demonstrations of different Irish instruments and recordings of great traditional musicians.

We also offer Combined Tasters that can include one or more of these. See our Irish Music Tasters page for more information.

'I would really enjoy doing
something special together.'

Most people are very busy with their day-to-day lives, and there isn't a lot of time put Most people are very busy with their day-to-day lives, and there isn’t a lot of time put aside for each other. Shared in-school or online Partner Lessons are an enjoyable and satisfying way to explore music together. Effective partner lessons have consisted of two friends, siblings, partners, husband and wife, parent and child, or even grandparent and grandchild. The 'partners' will motivate each other to improve – and the enjoyment will go well beyond the lessons as you practice and progress together! See Tuition Options – Private • Partner • Small Group Lessons for more information.

'But I haven't played in years!'

Hundreds of mature students, starting instruments or returning to them after years (and sometimes decades) away, currently study with the New School. See our Tuition Catalogue for the full range of music tuition we offer.

'I'd love to learn an instrument
(or how to sing).'

Designed for absolute beginners and available in both in-school and online versions, our acclaimed Introducing courses for adults and teens provide foundation tuition in several popular instruments, as well as singing and world drumming. The in-school versions take place in the New School itself, and the online versions take place wherever the participants are, which can be anywhere in Ireland of around the world.

'I'd like to explore a different music genre.'

For those with some previous experience, we offer a range of intermediate courses, designed both to complement regular music study and to focus on specialised styles or genres. These include:

Voice • Singing



'I want to give her something more lasting
than the latest must-have toy.'

We offer both private (one-to-one) lessons and a range of group courses for children, including:

'I've played/sung by ear all my life,
but I wish I knew how to read music.'

Those new to music reading will find it surprisingly easy with Music Fundamentals I and II, our ten-week introductions to music theory.

Sight Singing Made Easy, another ten-week course, combines essential music theory (treble and bass clefs, notes and note values, time signatures, frequently used terms and signs) with a practical approach to sight singing.

'I know I have a song in me.'

Our acclaimed Songwriting Workshop will help you to develop your creative ideas – in any musical style – and turn them into finished songs.

We also offer The Art & Craft of Songwriting workshop in our Summer Term.

And finally, we offer a Collaborative Songcamp, an online course taught by a hit songwriter and designed for participants who have taken a songwriting course or workshop or who have written the music and/or lyrics of one or more songs.

'Did you know that the entire album
was recorded in her living room?'

Introducing Music Technology and Summer Music Technology Essentials are inexpensive, practical, hands‐on online courses designed to teach absolute beginners how a computer/laptop and free music production software can be used to produce professional-­quality recordings at home.

We also offer private and Intensive lessons in a range of music technology subjects.

'I'd love to join an ensemble or choir.'

We offer the following ensembles at the New School:

These are just some of the tuition options available at the New School. See our Tuition Catalogue for more.

Gift Certificate & Gift Card Booking Form

Please complete this form if you would like to purchase a Gift Certificate or Gift Card from the New School.

Phone the school office on (01) 478 1884 as soon as possible after submitting this form to arrange payment. (If the New School is physically closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, please phone us on our mobile number – (086) 869 5415 – instead.) Or we can send you an online invoice for payment.

Your Information
Recipient's Information
Gift Certificates
Tuition Type
Gift Cards


If not in Ireland, select Non-Irish Address at the bottom of the list and add country in the last address box.
Please tick all that apply.


(parent's if recipient is under 18)
If not in Ireland, select Non-Irish Address at the bottom of the list and add country in the last address box.


Please complete this section with your Gift Certificate choices. If you would like to purchase a gift card, please go to the GIFT CARDS section section below.

(maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, please)

You can pick up your Gift Certificate from the New School office, we can post the Gift Certificate to you or the recipient, or we can email a printable PDF of the Gift Certificate to you or the recipient.

Please note that an additional €5 postage and handling charge applies for Gift Certificates posted to Irish addresses, and a €10 postage and handling charge applies to foreign addresses.


Private • Intensive Lessons

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for either private lessons or one or more Intensive Lessons.

Group Courses

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for one of our group courses.

Complete the Day • Time box if there is more than one class available for a group course and you would like to specify the class, and the Start Date box if you would like to specify a group course taking place in a particular term. Otherwise, simply add the title of the course and the recipient can choose which class and/or term he/she would like to enrol for.

Irish Music Tasters

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for one or more Irish Music Tasters.


Please complete this section if you would like to purchase a Gift Card. Please note that Gift Cards cannot be posted and must be picked up from the school office.

Minimum €25
(maximum of 80 characters, including spaces, please)


How will you pay for the Gift Certificate or Card?
How will you make your payment?


I understand that:

  1. A Gift Certificate entitles the recipient to the specified number of lessons, Intensive Lessons, course, workshop or Irish Music Taster and is valid to the last day of the month specified on the front, which is at least one calendar year from date of purchase.
  2. A Gift Certificate does not guarantee the recipient a place on our lesson timetable or on a course, workshop or Irish Music Taster, and he/she will need to enrol or book with the New School after receiving the Certificate.
  3. Should no suitable places be available on our lesson timetable or in a course, the recipient can choose either to take lessons in another instrument or another course, or to take his/her tuition at a later date.
  4. Gift Certificates have no cash value and may be redeemed only for the specified tuition or tuition of equivalent value.
  5. Gift Cards may be used only for tuition with Waltons New School of Music or musical instruments, accessories or books from Waltons Music.
  6. A Gift Card is not a credit, debit or cheque guarantee card.
  7. A Gift Card cannot be used to purchase additional gift cards, nor can the card (and any card balance) be exchanged for cash.
  8. Neither Waltons New School of Music nor Waltons Music is liable for lost, stolen or damaged Gift Cards or any credit amounts on such cards. We reserve the right to issue another card for the balance of the original card at our discretion on production of your original receipt, but we are not responsible for funds used without your knowledge.
  9. While Gift Certificates can be emailed or posted to the purchaser or recipient, Gift Cards cannot be posted and must be picked up from the school office.
Gift Options
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