Now Enrolling for Third Term Group Courses
Waltons New School of Music
We are now enrolling for a range of group instrumental, singing, music theory, songwriting and music technology courses taking place in our Third Term (April – June 2021). Given the uncertainties of life these, all of these courses are online and can be accessed from your own home – anywhere in Ireland!
See our Online Tuition page for more information about online tuition with the New School.
Group Courses for Beginners
Introducing Bodhrán
Introducing Guitar for Adults
Introducing Irish Fiddle
Introducing Piano/Keyboard for Adults
Introducing Singing for Adults
Introducing Tin Whistle
Introducing Ukulele for Adults
Introducing Violin for Adults
Theory • Musicianship • Songwriting Courses
Music Fundamentals
Sight Singing Made Easy
Songwriting Workshop
Music Technology Courses
Introducing Music Technology
Ableton Live Basics
Leaving Cert. Music
Easter Revision Course
Pre-Exam Revision Workshop