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Waltons RTÉ lyric fm
Music for Schools Competition

Post-Primary Schools Entry Form

Please complete this form if you would like to enter a music group from your post-primary school in this year's Music for Schools Competition. (Please note that your application will not be complete until a video of the entry, as well as a photograph of the performing group, is received by the entry deadline.)

General Information
Your Entry
Additional Information
JPG Photograph


(Music Teacher, Music Coordinator, Principal, etc.)
Please tick all that apply.


(maximum of 40, including teacher, if any)
(You can also upload a list of members – Word or Excel files only, please. If uploading a file, add 'Uploaded' in this field.)


Please tick all that apply.


Please do not attach your video here.


I certify:

  1. That the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  2. That I have read and will abide the Competition's Terms & Conditions, which are listed on the main Competition web page.
  3. That our application will not be complete until our entry video and a photograph of the performing group are received by the entry deadline.
  4. That all performing group members listed on this form will be able to perform in this year's Finalists Concert if the group is chosen as a Finalist in the Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition.
  5. That the parents/guardians of all student performers have given permission for their children to participate in this year's Competition.
  6. That the parents/guardians of all student performers have been made aware that videos and photographs submitted with this application, as well as videos and photographs of the Finalists Concert, may be included on the Competition and other web pages, broadcast and/or sent to national and local media. (No names will be included unless permission is sought and granted.)
(principal or music teacher only)
Post-Primary Entry Form
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