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Leaving Cert. Music

Leaving Cert. Music Easter Revision Course on 15 & 16 April

Waltons New School of Music

The New School's annual Leaving Cert. Music Easter Revision Course has provided hundreds of Leaving Cert. Music students with intensive preparation for the exam. The course includes revision of all Listening and Composing Essential Activities. An online course, it can be taken by Leaving Cert. Music students anywhere in Ireland.

The following elements are covered in this course:


  • Analysis of the four prescribed works
  • Identification of melody, rhythm and harmonic cadences in the context of the four prescribed works and other works
  • The variety of styles and contexts of Irish traditional music today
  • Comparison of different musical styles, including popular music


  • Rudiments of harmony and counterpoint
  • Two and three-part writing (treble melodies and bass supporting lines, as well as descants) with accompanying guitar chords
  • Melody writing in the context of word-setting and as a continuation of a given phrase

'Every topic covered, with plenty of tips for higher marks. Very helpful, with an exam oriented and enthusiastic teacher.'
– J. Foley

'Very well taught – the teacher knows his stuff! Notes are easy to understand, and it definitely boosts your confidence towards the exam.'
– C. Hillary

'The teacher had an excellent knowledge of music and inspired me! Extremely good notes…easy to apprehend.'
– S. Madden

'The course really helped to boost my music knowledge and helped me to revise over what I already know. The notes were succinct yet highlighted the most important parts. Overall, an excellent course.'
– J. Orr

'In the two days that I've done this course, I feel more confident about the Leaving Cert. exam than I've felt in two years at school.'
– E. Whelan

Course Schedule & Fee

Dates: Friday & Saturday, 15 & 16 April 2022
Schedule: Friday 4 – 7 pm, Saturday 10 am – 1 pm, 1.45 – 4.15 pm

Tuition Fee: €140
(also includes our Pre-Exam Revision Workshop on Saturday, 18 June 2022)

See the Leaving Cert. Music Easter Revision Course web page for more information.


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