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Useful Links

We recommend the following websites as useful resources for music and music education in Ireland and around the world.

A Guide to Overcoming Stage Fright Anyone who has performed in front of an audience has suffered from
'stage fright' or performance anxiety. This page includes a number of
useful tips for overcoming that anxiety.
All About Jazz A comprehensive site (although with a slight American bias) that offers
a wide range of jazz information, including popular record lists, a jazz
'roadmap', forums, reviews, directories and more.
Association of Irish Musical Societies Provides a range of services and activities to Irish musical societies,
including an adjudication and awards scheme, workshops, library and
information, and a choral festival.
Ceolas Houses the largest online collection of information on Irish and Celtic
music, and has links to hundreds of related sites.
Contemporary Music Centre Ireland's national archive and resource centre for new music.
First Music Contact A free and independent information and resource organisation for
popular musicians and the popular music sector in Ireland. Co-runs the
Hard Working Class Heroes Festival.
Improvised Music Company Ireland's largest jazz and world music promoter; promotes the innovative
12 Points! festival.
IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library A huge virtual library of free, downloadable sheet music in the public
Irish Traditional Music Archive A multimedia reference archive and resource centre for Irish traditional
song, music and dance.
Jazz Resources The Jazz in America website includes a useful Jazz Resources section
with a detailed jazz timeline, audio clips, backgrounds on musicians,
glossary and much more.
Journal of Music Website that brings together writing on classical, jazz and traditional
music in Ireland and around the world. Also includes comprehensive
concert and event listings.
Music from Ireland Run by First Music Contact and funded by Culture Ireland, Music from
Ireland funds and coordinate international artist activities, showcasing
Irish acts at leading global events.
Music Network A national organisation that supports Irish musicians and makes high
quality live music available and accessible to people throughout
National Concert Hall Website of one of Ireland's most active and diverse concert venues.
Online ticket booking is free.
Naxos for Education The website of Naxos, the budget classical record label, has an
excellent education section, which includes, among other things, an A-Z
glossary of musical terms and brief composer biographies.
Sing Ireland The national body for the support, development and promotion of all
forms of group singing. In leading, enabling, and connecting
communities of singers in Ireland, Sing Ireland's mission to enhance
lives through singing.
Song Key & BPM Finder A useful tool to help singers to decide on the best key to sing a
particular song in. You simply record yourself singing a song verse in
the range you feel most comfortable with, upload the recording, and
this tool will tell you what key it's in, as well as the tempo.
Source Na Píobairí Uilleann's huge digital media database, consisting of
thousands of video clips of Irish traditional music; brief instructional
tutor videos; audio and photo archives; and the Irish Music Collections
Online (IMCO), consisting of music from 24 significant historical music
collections dating from as early as 1724.
Third-Level Music Programmes The Online Resources for Students page in the Leaving Cert. Music
section of our website includes links to all third-level music programmes
in the Republic and Northern Ireland.
World Music Central An excellent general-interest world music site, it includes up-to-date
information on musicians, recordings and festivals, as well as useful
glossaries of world music genres and instruments.
Useful Links
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