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Booking Form

Gift Certificates & Cards

Please complete this form if you would like to purchase a Gift Certificate or Gift Card from the Waltons New School of Music. (See our Gift Options page for more information about Gift Certificates and Gift Cards.)

Please Note

  • If you have chosen to pay for a Gift Certificate or Gift Card by phone or in person, phone the school office on (01) 478 1884 as soon as possible after submitting this form to make your payment or arrange a time to drop by.
  • If you have chosen to pay for a Gift Certificate or Gift Card with an online invoice, we will email this to you directly.

Your Information
Recipient's Information
Gift Certificates
Tuition Type
Gift Cards


If not in Ireland, select Non-Irish Address at the bottom of the list and add country in the last address box.
Please tick all that apply.


(parent's if recipient is under 18)
If not in Ireland, select Non-Irish Address at the bottom of the list and add country in the last address box.


Please complete this section with your Gift Certificate choices. If you would like to purchase a gift card, please go to the GIFT CARDS section section below.

(maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, please)

You can pick up your Gift Certificate from the New School office, we can post the Gift Certificate to you or the recipient, or we can email a printable PDF of the Gift Certificate to you or the recipient.

Please note that an additional €5 postage and handling charge applies for Gift Certificates posted to Irish addresses, and a €10 postage and handling charge applies to foreign addresses.


Private • Intensive Lessons

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for either private lessons or one or more Intensive Lessons.

Group Courses

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for one of our group courses.

Complete the Day • Time box if there is more than one class available for a group course and you would like to specify the class, and the Start Date box if you would like to specify a group course taking place in a particular term. Otherwise, simply add the title of the course and the recipient can choose which class and/or term he/she would like to enrol for.

Irish Music Tasters

Please complete this section if you would like to give a Gift Certificate for one or more Irish Music Tasters.


Please complete this section if you would like to purchase a Gift Card. Please note that Gift Cards cannot be posted and must be picked up from the school office.

Minimum €25
(maximum of 80 characters, including spaces, please)


How will you pay for the Gift Certificate or Card?
How will you make your payment?


I understand that:

  1. A Gift Certificate entitles the recipient to the specified number of lessons, Intensive Lessons, course, workshop or Irish Music Taster and is valid to the last day of the month specified on the front, which is at least one calendar year from date of purchase.
  2. A Gift Certificate does not guarantee the recipient a place on our lesson timetable or on a course, workshop or Irish Music Taster, and he/she will need to enrol or book with the New School after receiving the Certificate.
  3. Should no suitable places be available on our lesson timetable or in a course, the recipient can choose either to take lessons in another instrument or another course, or to take his/her tuition at a later date.
  4. Gift Certificates have no cash value and may be redeemed only for the specified tuition or tuition of equivalent value.
  5. Gift Cards may be used only for tuition with Waltons New School of Music or musical instruments, accessories or books from Waltons Music.
  6. A Gift Card is not a credit, debit or cheque guarantee card.
  7. A Gift Card cannot be used to purchase additional gift cards, nor can the card (and any card balance) be exchanged for cash.
  8. Neither Waltons New School of Music nor Waltons Music is liable for lost, stolen or damaged Gift Cards or any credit amounts on such cards. We reserve the right to issue another card for the balance of the original card at our discretion on production of your original receipt, but we are not responsible for funds used without your knowledge.
  9. While Gift Certificates can be emailed or posted to the purchaser or recipient, Gift Cards cannot be posted and must be picked up from the school office.
Gift Certificate Booking Form
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