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Enrolment Fees

'The power of music to integrate and quite fundamental. It is the profoundest nonchemical medication.'
Oliver Sacks


Tuition Fees

See main Enrolment • Fees menu or access tuition fees directly below.

First • First-Second • First-Third Term Fees
First Term Late Enrolment Fees
Second • Second-Third Term Fees
Second Term Late Enrolment Fees
Third Term Fees
Third Term Late Enrolment Fees
Summer Term Fees
Summer Term Late Enrolment Fees
Intensive Lesson Fees

Course and workshop tuition fees are listed on individual course/workshop web pages.

2022-2023 Calendar

First Term (12 Weeks)
19 September – 17 December

Second Term (12 Weeks)
9 January – 1 April

Third Term (10 Weeks)
17 April – 24 June

Summer Term
• Part One (5 Weeks): 26 June – 29 July
• Part Two (4 Weeks): 31 July – 25 August


Mid-Term Break (First Term)
31 October – 6 November

Christmas Holiday
18 December – 8 January

St. Brigid's Day
Monday, 6 February

St. Patrick's Day
Thursday, 17 March

Easter Holiday
2 – 16 April

Bank Holiday Mondays
1 May, 5 June, 7 August

Download a printable 2022-2023 Calendar (pdf format).

Enrolment Information

Forms & Fees

Enrolment for regular tuition at the New School requires a completed Enrolment Form and, except for those students/parents availing of payment plans, full payment of tuition fees. Booking of Intensive Lessons and Irish Music Tasters requires a deposit, with the balance due before the lesson or taster begins.

Payment Methods

We accept full tuition fee payments and payment plan deposits by cash, credit/debit card or bank transfer. We accept payment plan instalments by credit/debit card only. If you would like to pay by bank transfer, Please contact us, and we will provide you with our bank details. If paying by bank transfer, please do so well in advance so that the payment will arrive in our bank before your / your child's tuition is due to begin. Also, be sure to identify clearly who is making the transfer, and let us know that you have done so.

Making Card Payments

There are three options available for making a payment by credit/debit card:

  1. You can make the payment in person.
  2. The school administration can take your card details by phone, process your payment and send you a receipt.
  3. The school administration can email you an invoice for online payment.

Although we schedule new students in order of enrolment and make every effort to suit student preferences, scheduling of private, partner and small group lessons will depend on available time slots with the most suitable teacher(s). The more days/times you are available for lessons, the more we likely we are to find a day/time to suit you.

Group Courses & Workshops

Places in all group courses and workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date of enrolment. Many of these courses and workshops fill in advance of their start dates, and early enrolment is recommended.

Tuition Assistance

The New School's Tuition Assistance programme is designed to help defray the cost of tuition for those who qualify. Although there are a limited number of Tuition Assistance awards each year, every effort will be made to assist students (or their parents) who, because of financial circumstances, would otherwise be unable to study with us. Tuition Assistance awards are in the form of discounts of between 10% and 40% off the student’s fees and depend on the both student's and the New School's financial circumstances, as well as the type of tuition. See our Tuition Assistance Policy for more information.

See also our Enrolment FAQs page.

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