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Piano • Keyboard Tuition

Piano • Keyboard Tuition

The New School offers both in-school and online piano and keyboard tuition, taught by experts and in a range of genres (classical, jazz, pop, rock and blues), for students of all ages and skill levels.
Now Enrolling For Now Enrolling For Our 2019-2020 School Year

Welcome to Our Second Term

Our 2018-2019 Second Term has started, and it's going to be a busy and interesting one. We are providing tuition for students of all ages and skill levels in a huge range of instruments and subjects.

Now Enrolling for Our 2018-2019 School Year

We are now enrolling for our 2018-2019 school year. In addition to private, partner and small group instruction in a wide range of instruments, we also offer group courses for students of all ages and skill levels.
Summer Term

Now Enrolling for Our 2018 Summer Term

We are currently enrolling for our two-part 2018 Summer Term, and in addition to instruction in a range of instruments, we offer group courses, Intensive Lessons and Irish Music Tasters.
Thelonious Monk

Jazz Piano Basics

Taught by one of the finest jazz pianists and teachers working in Ireland, the New School's Jazz Piano Basics course is designed to give piano students of at least intermediate level a solid foundation in jazz piano.
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