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2024 Music For Schools Prize Winners

Announcing our 2024 Music for Schools Prize Winners!

Taking place in the National Concert Hall on April 8th, the 2024 Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Finalists Concert was a wonderful event with some extraordinary performances by all twelve Finalist school groups.

The entire concert was live webcast by RTÉ lyric fm:

After the concert, adjudicators Zoë Conway, Liam Ó Maonlaí and Aideen Walton selected the six 2024 Music for Schools Competition Prize Winners:


First Prize

School Knockanean National School, Ennis, Co. Clare
Entry 'Stepping Through the River of Sound'
Group Knockanean Choir and Music Club

Second Prize

School St. Teresa's National School, Killoe, Co. Longford
Entry 'Music Moving Us in Many Ways'
Group St. Teresa's Killoe Performing Group

Third Prize

School Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Árann
Entry 'Imithe Uainn ach Fós Linn' (A Musical Legacy)
Group Ceolfhoireann na Gaelscoile


First Prize

School Scoil Mhuire, Trim, Co. Meath
Entry 'Home Is Where the Music Is'
Group Scoil Mhuire Performing Group

Second Prize

School Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
Entry 'The Joy of Movement'
Group LorBal Performance Group

Third Prize

School St. Mary's Secondary School, Edenderry, Co. Offaly
Entry 'Music Moves Us from Birth to Death in Times of Sadness and in Joy'
Group SME

Another school won Music for Schools' inaugural Standout Award:


School Scoil Bernadette, Montenotte, Co. Cork
Entry 'Bai Oh'
Group Scoil Ber Samba Band

The prize-winning schools each received a trophy, a prize certificate and vouchers for musical instruments and equipment for their schools from Waltons Music:

First Prize: €2,000
Second Prize: €1,000
Third Prize: €500
Standout Award: €500

In addition, we are delighted to announce that Waltons Music has generously offered to reward the other Finalist schools with €200 vouchers!

Congratulations both to this year’s Prize Winners and to all of the Finalist schools!

John Mardirosian and Aideen Walton, Co-Directors
Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools

Produced by Waltons New School of Music and generously supported by RTÉ lyric fm and Waltons Music, Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools is a non-profit annual national event celebrating and supporting music in Irish schools.


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