Waltons RTÉ lyric fm
Music for Schools Competition
A National Competition and Celebration
of Music in Irish Schools
About the Competition
What It Is
Founded in 2012, the Music for Schools Competition is a non-profit national event celebrating and supporting music in Irish schools.
RTÉ lyric fm supported the Competition from the start and in 2019 became a full partner, so the Competition's name became the Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition.
The Competition's objective is to promote the enormous benefits of creative music making for young people. Its open nature offers schools the opportunity to think and work creatively in any genre (or genres) of music and with any combination of students, developing an original musical project that has learning potential at every stage of the process.
Each year's Competition culminates in a gala Finalists Concert in the National Concert Hall, in which twelve Finalist school music groups (six primary and six post-primary) perform before their peers and two distinguished adjudicators, as well as one of the Competition's co-directors.
At the end of the Finalists Concert, the adjudicators announce six winning groups (three primary and three post-primary), which receive trophies and awards totalling €7,000 worth of vouchers for musical instruments and equipment from Waltons Music Ireland for their schools.
How It Works
All primary and post-primary schools, as well as special schools, recognised by the Department of Education and Skills in the Republic of Ireland are eligible to enter the Music for Schools Competition, and to date, schools from all 26 counties have participated.
- Schools put together instrumental, vocal or mixed student music groups (from 8 to 40 performers), which create and perform pieces or songs that respond in some way to the year's Competition theme, The Key of Life. A group can be made up of any combination of singers or instrumentalists you choose.
- Schools submit an online entry form and send a video of the group's performance as well as a jpeg photograph of the group.
- The initial entries are judged by a team of first-round adjudicators, and twelve Finalist groups (six primary and six post-primary) are selected.
- The Finalists are announced on RTÉ lyric fm. Groups not selected as Finalists but displaying real merit are designated as either Commended or Highly Commended. Certificates are produced for the schools and all student performers, and the groups are listed on the Waltons New School of Music website. Finalists' entry videos are added to the Music for Schools Competition YouTube channel.
- The twelve Finalist groups perform in a gala Finalists Concert at the National Concert Hall, and the adjudicators announce the six winning groups (three primary and three post-primary) at the end of the concert. The Finalists Concert is also webcast by RTÉ lyric fm and can be viewed from anywhere in Ireland or around the world. Finalists Concert videos are later added to the Music for Schools Competition YouTube channel, and both videos and photos are added to the Waltons New School of Music website.
Prizes are vouchers to be used for the purchase of musical instruments and/or equipment for the winning schools from Waltons Music. The total prize fund is €7,000, divided as follows:
- First Prizes (Primary and Post-Primary): €2,000 voucher each
- Second Prizes (Primary and Post-Primary): €1,000 voucher each
- Third Prizes (Primary and Post-Primary): €500 voucher each
Each year's Competition has a theme, and while entries should address the theme, groups are encouraged to interpret the theme in any way they see fit.
The Competition is not restricted to a genre of music or type of performing group. We welcome all genres and mixed genres, and performing groups have included choirs, instrumental groups, combined instrumental and vocal ensembles, traditional groups, rock bands, dancers and mixtures of all of these. This offers teachers and schools the opportunity to think and work creatively with any combination of students to develop an original music project that has learning potential at every stage of the process.
Meaningful collaboration – among students and between teachers and students – is encouraged and rewarded. Competition entry forms ask how the entry piece or song was developed, and those developed collaboratively, with significant input from students, have invariably been the most successful.
Groups that include participants of different ages and skill levels are also favoured, and past groups have included participants from Senior Infants to Sixth Class in the primary category and First to Sixth Year in the post-primary category. A Music for Schools project is not only an opportunity to develop a unique and exciting piece and to perform it in public, it should also be an opportunity for a diverse group of young people to work together in a meaningful way, as well as an opportunity for older participants to mentor younger ones.
Beyond Winners and Prizes
Although only twelve of the many entries we receive each year are chosen as Finalists, we recognise, with Commended and Highly Commended certificates, those groups not selected that have nevertheless achieved something special. In any case, the project doesn't need to end there; the song/piece can be performed for the school, and the entry video is a record of the group's achievements as well.
Likewise, while six of the twelve Finalist groups win prizes each year, all Finalist groups have achieved something extraordinary and all Finalist performers receive individual certificates.
Questions About
the Competition?

The value of music and music education is undisputed. Numerous international studies* have shown that music instruction and active music making supplies intellectual, emotional and physical components critical to young people's development. Yet despite the acknowledged results of these studies and the recent Department of Education and Skills music curriculum guidelines for primary schools, Ireland still has a school system in which many young people have little exposure to music making. The Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition was developed in 2012 to offer a unique opportunity for primary and post-primary schools both to celebrate music making in their schools and to kick-start or develop their music programmes.
* For more information and specific studies on the benefits of music education, see the Why Music? page on the Waltons New School of Music website.

The Process
- Schools form an instrumental, vocal or mixed music group of no less than 8 and up to 40 members, made up of current students in the school. If required, primary school groups can include up to two adult participants, a conductor and/or an accompanist. Post-primary school groups can include one adult participant, a conductor or accompanist. (Any adult participants should be included and listed as part of the group number and should not bring the group number to over 40 participants.)
- The group develops a piece or song, no more than five minutes long, that responds to the year's Competition theme. (The 2025 theme is The Key of Life.) The piece or song can be in any music genre (classical, traditional, rock/pop, musical theatre, jazz, world, etc.) or combination of genres, and it can consist of existing or original material. If the group decides to combine more than one song or piece in their entry, the combination or medley must include no more than three individual song or piece elements.
- Schools submit a video of the group performing their piece or song, as well as an entry form and jpg photograph of the performing group, by the entry deadline. (This year's deadline is Wednesday, 12 February 2025 at 5 pm.) Go to the Entry Requirements tab for more information.
- A shortlist of twelve Finalist schools (six primary and six post-primary) is chosen by our first round adjudicators.
- The first round adjudicators may also choose to recognise entering schools not selected as Finalists but displaying real merit as either Commended or Highly Commended. These schools and all student performers will receive certificates of commendation.
- The twelve Finalist schools are announced on RTÉ lyric fm. (This year's announcement is on Friday, 28 February 2025.)
- Entry videos of the twelve Finalists are added to the Competition's web pages and YouTube channel.
- Guest tickets for the gala Finalists Concert in the National Concert Hall are allocated equally among the Finalist schools to purchase if desired. (Performer tickets are free.) Details will be shared with qualifying schools.
- Finalist groups perform in the Finalists Concert before their peers and two distinguished adjudicators, as well as one of the Competition's co-directors. (This year's Finalists Concert is on Monday, 24 March 2025.) The concert is also live webcast RTÉ lyric fm and can be viewed from anywhere in Ireland or around the world.
- The year's six winning schools (three primary and three post-primary) are announced at the end of the concert.
- Videos of the Finalists Concert are added to the Competition's web pages and YouTube channel.
Questions About
the Process?

Assessment Criteria
Entry pieces or songs are assessed on the following criteria:
- Musicality and Presentation. Is the performance polished? musical? well presented?
- Creativity. Was the theme addressed imaginatively and creatively?
- Originality. Does the entry include an original composition and/or an original take on or arrangement of an existing composition?
- Collaboration. Was the piece or song developed collaboratively, with plenty of input from students?
- Inclusiveness. Does the group include – and successfully integrate – performers of different ages and/or abilities?

Entry Requirements
Participating schools should submit the following materials:
- A completed Entry Form (see following tab).
- An MP4, AVI or MOV video recording of the entry piece or song. The piece or song and video can be no more than five minutes long and prepared specifically for the Competition; videos of school concerts or other events are not acceptable. The video must be performed 'live' (backing tracks are not allowed), it should be shot in a single 'take', and unless the entering school does not have a hall or classroom large enough to accommodate this, all performers should be visible throughout the video. Please name your video file '[School Name] - [Performing Group Name] - Music for Schools Competition Entry'
- A jpg photograph of the entire performing group. Please name your jpg '[School Name] - [Performing Group Name] - Music for Schools Competition Entry'.
Schools may enter more than performing group, but each should be submitted as a separate entry, along with its own video and photograph.
Questions About
the Entry Requirements?

Entry Forms
Entry forms can be accessed via the links below or through the main Music for Schools Competition menu.

Sending Your Video
While photographs can be sent separately or attached to your application, video files are too large to attach and must be sent separately. Because video files are also too large to send by email, we strongly recommend using a free file transfer service such as WeTransfer to send them. Please use the following email address: info (at) newschool.ie.

Terms & Conditions
- All primary and post-primary schools, as well as special schools, recognised by the Department of Education and Skills in the Republic of Ireland are eligible to enter the Music for Schools Competition.
- All entry forms must include a contact name (school principal, music co-ordinator or participating teacher) for all correspondence relating to the Competition, and they must be signed by school principals or participating teachers.
- There is a maximum of 40 performers (including adult performers, if any) in each performing group.
- Primary school groups may include up to two adult performers, a conductor/director and/or an accompanist. Post-primary school groups may include one adult performers, a conductor/director or an accompanist.
- All performers must be current students in the entering school and available to perform, if the performing group is chosen as a Finalist, in this year's Finalists Concert.
- All student performers in both entry videos and Finalists Concert performances should wear their normal school uniforms, unless other clothing is absolutely necessary (i.e. a dancer wearing looser clothing or a student wearing a costume for a particular dramatic purpose).
- Entry pieces or songs can be no more than five minutes long.
- Entry pieces or songs must be prepared specifically for the Competition and cannot have been previously performed, published or recorded publicly. And videos of school concerts or other events are not acceptable.
- The entry video must be performed 'live' (backing tracks are not allowed), it should be shot in a single 'take', and unless the entering school does not have a hall or classroom large enough to accommodate this, all performers should be visible throughout the video.
- Finalist schools may be asked to provide evidence and verification of activities described in their entry forms.
- Participating schools and their entries may be used by Waltons New School of Music, Waltons Music and/or RTÉ lyric fm in publicity relating to the Competition. Videos and photographs of the Finalists Concert will be featured on the Competition and other web pages and may be sent to national and local media.
- Decisions of both the initial judging panel (selecting the twelve Finalist schools) and Finalists Concert adjudicators are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The initial judging panel may, at its discretion, designate performing groups not selected as Finalists as Commended, Highly Commended or Very Highly Commended. All performers in these groups will receive printable certificates acknowledging their achievement.
- Prizes consist of trophies and certificates/vouchers for obtaining musical instruments and equipment from Waltons Music, as follows:
• Primary schools: First Prize €2,000, Second Prize €1,000 and Third Prize €500.
• Post-primary schools: First Prize €2,000, Second Prize €1,000 and Third Prize €500. - Prize vouchers are non-exchangeable and non-transferable and may only be applied towards musical instruments and equipment. Vouchers may not be exchanged for cash.
- All Finalists Concert performers will receive certificates acknowledging their achievement, whether or not their group wins a prize.
- Although Second and Third Prize winning schools are eligible to enter the Competition again in the following year, First Prize winning schools are not eligible to enter for the following two years.
Questions About
the Terms & Conditions?

2025 Competition Calendar
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 at 5 pm
Entry deadline
Friday, 28 February 2025
Announcement of Finalists Schools on RTÉ lyric fm
Monday, 24 March 2025
Finalists Concert, National Concert Hall

Mailing List
Subscribe to the Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition mailing list to receive updates on current Competitions and information about future Competitions.
You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time and at the bottom of every newsletter. We take your privacy seriously and will not share your email address with anyone else. (See Waltons New School of Music's Privacy Policy for more information.)

Previous Competitions
See main tabs or click on the links below for information, photos and videos of previous Music for Schools Competitions:
2024 Competition
2020 Competition
2019 Competition
2017 Competition
2016 Competition
2015 Competition
2014 Competition
2013 Competition
2012 Competition

Previous Prize Winners
- First Prize Knockanean Choir and Music Club
Knockanean National School, Ennis, Co. Clare - Second Prize St. Teresa's Killoe Performing Group
St. Teresa's National School, Killoe, Co. Longford - Third Prize Ceolfhoireann na Gaelscoile
Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Árann
- First Prize Scoil Mhuire Performing Group
Scoil Mhuire, Trim, Co. Meath - Second Prize LorBal Performance Group
Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin - Third Prize SME
St. Mary's Secondary School, Edenderry, Co. Offaly
Standout Award
- First Prize Scoil Ber Samba Band
Scoil Bernadette, Montenotte, Co. Cork
Zoë Conway
Liam Ó Maonlaí
Aideen Walton
- First Prize St. Mochta's School Choir
St. Mochta's National School, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 - Second Prize Carrig National School Music Group
Carrig National School, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary - Third Prize Macalla Mhaigh Eo
St. John's National School, Breaffy, Co. Mayo
- First Prize Laurel Hill Music Ensemble
Laurel Hill Secondary School, Limerick, Co. Limerick - Second Prize St. Joseph's Ensemble
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Rochfortbridge, Co. Westmeath - Third Prize Coláiste Chill Mhantáin Ensemble
Coláiste Chill Mhantáin, Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow
Evelyn Grant
Dónal Lunny
- First Prize Grúpa Ceoil na Gaelscoile
Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Áran - Second Prize Le Chéile
St. John's National School, Breaffy, Co. Mayo - Third Prize Bunscoil Loreto Orchestra
Bunscoil Loreto, Gorey, Co. Wexford
- First Prize Scoil Mhuire Performing Arts Group
Scoil Mhuire, Trim, Co. Meath - Second Prize Coláiste Chill Mhantáin Ensemble
Coláiste Chill Mhantáin, Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow - Third Prize St. Joseph's Ensemble
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Rochfortbridge, Co. Westmeath
Deborah Kelleher
Bill Whelan
- First Prize Friendship Counts Group
Craanford National School, Gorey, Co. Wexford - Second Prize Ceolfhoireann Moshíológ
Gaelscoil Moshíológ, Guaire, Co. Loch Gorman - Third Prize Grúpa Ceoil na Gaelscoile
Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Árann
- First Prize OLSS Performing Arts Group
Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan - Second Prize Scoil Mhuire Performing Arts Group
Scoil Mhuire, Trim, Co. Meath - Third Prize Presentation College Headford Group
Presentation College, Headford, Co. Galway
Gwen Moore
Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin
- First Prize Ss. Peter & Paul's CBS Senior Band & Narrators
Ss. Peter & Paul's CBS, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary - Second Prize Let It Go Group
Craanford National School, Gorey, Co. Wexford - Third Prize Bunscoil Loreto Music Group
Bunscoil Loreto, Gorey, Co. Wexford
- First Prize Castleknock College Pop Ensemble
Castleknock College, Castleknock, Dublin 15 - Second Prize Mercy Heights Music Ensemble
Mercy Heights Secondary School, Skibbereen, Co. Cork - Third Prize OLSS Performing Arts Group
Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan
David Brophy
Ellen Cranitch
- First Prize Knockanean Music Club
Knockanean National School, Ennis, Co. Clare - Second Prize Cór Gaelscoil Adhamhnáin
Gaelscoil Adhamhnáin, Leitir Ceanainn, Co. Dhún na nGall - Third Prize Cuisle Moshíológ
Gaelscoil Moshíológ, Guaire, Co. Loch Garman
- First Prize School Choir, Grúpa Ceoil, Orchestra & Rock Band
Borris Vocational School, Borris, Co. Carlow - Second Prize Laurel Hill Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble
Laurel Hill Secondary School, Limerick - Third Prize OLSS Performing Arts Group
Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan
Julie Feeney
Bill Whelan
- First Prize Killbrittain Musical Group
Kilbrittain National School, Co. Cork - Second Prize tSlí Dála Music Group
Gaelscoil an tSlí Dala, Borris-in-Ossory, Co. Laois - Third Prize Knockanean Music Club
Knockanean National School, Co. Clare
- First Prize Go Beyond the Sea Group
Presentation College, Headford, Co. Galway - Second Prize Crescent College Comprehensive Choir & Orchestra
Crescent College Comprehensive School, Co. Limerick - Third Prize Castleknock College Soul Band & Choir
Castleknock College, Dublin 15
Ellen Cranitch
Dónal Lunny
- First Prize Holy Family Chamber Choir
Holy Family Senior Primary School, Ennis, Co. Clare - Second Prize Cnoc An Éin Ensemble
Knockanean National School, Co. Clare - Third Prize Killbrittain Musical Group
Kilbrittain National School, Co. Cork
- First Prize Our Lady’s College Choir
Our Lady's College, Drogheda, Co. Louth - Second Prize OLSS Performing Arts Group
Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan - Third Prize John Scottus Senior Choir & Ensemble
John Scottus Secondary School, Dublin 4
Carl Corcoran
Deborah Kelleher

Previous Adjudicators
2024 | Zoë Conway • Liam Ó Maonlaí • Aideen Walton |
2019 | Evelyn Grant • Dónal Lunny |
2017 | Deborah Kelleher • Bill Whelan |
2016 | Gwen More • Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin |
2015 | David Brophy • Ellen Cranitch |
2014 | Julie Feeney • Bill Whelan |
2013 | Ellen Cranitch • Dónal Lunny |
2012 | Carl Corcoran • Deborah Kelleher |

Comments by Past Finalists
Primary Finalists
'I can't describe how inspired we all were after the Finalists Concert. It was such an uplifting event. The pupils were alive with ideas for next year in the bus on the way home. It has given us a huge boost and the pupils are walking the corridors as celebrities since. Sincere thanks to yourself and your team on organising the event and on giving the pupils this wonderful opportunity to play in such an amazing venue. It is certainly a day we will remember forever and we can only hope that in the future we may be so fortunate as to be involved again.'
– Aileen Kennedy, Principal
Bunscoil Loreto, Co. Wexford
'The Finalist Concert was such an amazing experience. The way in which the children supported each other, with rounds of applause and standing ovations was amazing to see. Performing in front of such prestigious adjudicators was such an honour also. The concert was just brilliant, and we as a school community thoroughly enjoyed it.
Regarding the Music for Schools Competition as a whole, the children have grown in confidence by participating in it, and new friendships have been made. There was a great sense of achievement to take part in such a prestigious competition, and the school has received such positive feedback from a variety of sources. It is just such a positive, uplifting experience.'
– Laura Boland, Teacher
Carrig National School, Co. Tipperary
'The Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition Finalists Concert was an incredible experience for all at Corpus Christi Primary School. We were blown away by the remarkable showcase of talent and dedication, which highlighted the immense passion for music among students and educators alike! Since our initial entry, our students have grown in not only musical competency but in both musical- and self-confidence. The competition allowed the students to have a musical goal, towards which they worked tirelessly. Thanks to all involved!'
– Tyrone McGuane, Teacher
Corpus Christi Primary School, Co. Limerick
'Children were given opportunity to perform in a great venue to a wonderful audience. This has given them great self-confidence. Some of the parents were in awe at how good the children were and gave them great praise and encouragement. Aideen Walton met one of our children in the foyer and complimented her on her singing. This made her day!'
– Áine Kennedy, Principal
Danescastle National School, Co. Wexford
'It was a privilege for a school such as ours to be on stage there, a once-in-a lifetime experience for many of those involved. Of course, coming home with a prize was the icing on the cake, but the preparation, enthusiasm and excitement of the children over the whole event was a joy to us all.'
– Maire Nic Gairbhe-Uí Bhaoill, Principal
Gaelscoil Adhamhnáin, Co. Dhún na nGall
'There is no other competition like it. Our children have taken on a new air of confidence and belief. Playing as a group develops so much more than musical abilities – responsibility, teamwork, a sense of belonging and partnership. The support and buy-in from pupils and parents alike from the very first day really helped us to achieve something very special. It has lifted the school immensely, and the level of goodwill in the community is palpable.'
– Orla McNamara, Teacher
Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Árann
'The Competition has given us a great sense of pride. It has encouraged less skilled and younger children to practice. It has enhanced our standing in the community. And it has given the children something worthwhile to aim for and experience.'
– Róise Nevin, Teacher
Gaelscoil an tSlí Dála, Co. Laoise
'The students who performed in the Finalists Concert experienced something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. The atmosphere on the day was fantastic, and to see our students on stage, feeding off the energy and reactions generated by their live performance, was something to behold. Very few students in primary school will ever get to experience this – and to experience it on the stage of the National Concert Hall tops it all!'
– Carol Scott, Principal
Gaelscoil Moshíológ, Co. Loch Garman
'The Finalists Concert was amazing. I cannot commend the Waltons' management and staff highly enough for their organisation, courtesy, and being so accommodating on the day. The day ran flawlessly. Rehearsal time was ample and necessary. The layout of the programme for the day was great, as primary finalists were mixed with secondary schools. A great idea!'
– Jillian Bridge, Teacher
Holy Family Senior Primary School, Co. Clare
'The school is so proud of the achievement of its pupils. The community has been fabulous and really made us feel like heroes by throwing a party. The confidence has grown again in pupils, and it's great to see some pupils who may have been shy putting their names down to sing solo or with small groups in different events in the school.'
– Orla Fogarty, Teacher
Kilbrittain National School, Co. Cork
'Where do I start in thanking you all for the amazing day we had yesterday. We have been reliving every minute of it again today, wishing we could do it all over again. It was such a special event that we will never forget. It was pure joy from start to finish. I don't know what the magical formula is that you use to create such a special event. You enabled so many talented young children to express their unique selves through music. The theme given brought about discussion and creativity. As Liam and Zoë said, everyone was a winner. I don't know how the judges made their decision, as every school had a piece of magic that touched our hearts. The atmosphere in the concert hall was one of pure joy and the love of music. In the world of chaos that we live in today, a day like the one we had is precious as gold. What you do inspires children to believe in dreams. We feel blessed and privileged to have been a part of the 2024 competition. It was such an honour to play in the National Concert Hall. We don't have a hall in our school, so it made it even more special for us to experience such a prestigious platform to perform on. For us it was a dream come true. It is a memory we will never forget. We have not stopped smiling and talking about the day and the experience we had.'
– Amy McEnnis, Teacher
Knockanean National School, Co. Clare
'Participation in the Music for Schools project has brought our pupils to a musical place, both physically and emotionally, that we never dreamed we could reach. It made us go beyond what we thought was our best effort, and find a creative musical niche for every child involved.'
– Joan McNamara, Teacher
Knockanean National School, Co. Clare
'I thought excitement levels upon qualifying for the final could not be topped, but the entire experience of the Finalists Concert was incredible. It was such a privilege to be a part of it. The standard of talent was exceptional, and the concert was incredibly uplifting and beyond inspirational. I am left dumbfounded at the organisation it must take to put an event like this together.
I am not aware of any other such platform or opportunity for schools to showcase their musical work, and the open and all-encompassing nature of your competition is inspiring. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you all for such wonderful work. It has been an incredible journey.'
– Niamh McCarthy, Teacher
Lisheen National School, Co. Cork
'This project was much more than getting a group of children to perform a medley of songs based on the theme of music and has no borders – it was more about empowerment, grit, building confidence, perseverance, resilience and owning who each of us is...our strengths and our perceived shortcomings. I have seen this group blossom – from the pupil who was unsure if he could take part, then grew to accept a solo performance, to the pupils who thought they were imposters, whispering, "But Mrs. Brady, I'm not one of the best singers in the school!"
I believe the project has bonded the children who came from different classes and also us as a staff. [The teachers'] gentle encouragement ensured we all learned to sign the words of each song in a way that truly communicates with the deaf community and represents the deaf pupils in our school. We have all learned so much about sign language through the universal language of music. Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.
This group were ten feet tall afterwards and will never forget this experience. It was done in partnership with pupils, parents and staff who understood that the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice!'
– Marianne Brady, Principal
Scoil Chaitriona Senior, Co. Galway
'The Music for Schools Competition is a wonderful opportunity for schools to show off the musical talents and interests of their children, and we are delighted that it exists. The whole experience from composing the song to performing on the stage of the National Concert Hall has been fantastic for all involved. The children felt like stars, and their talents – whether vocal, instrumental or dance – were given a chance to be displayed. If nothing else, it gave them the hunger for more, which will encourage them to keep up their interests in these areas.'
– Tommy Brennan, Principal
Scoil Nioclais Naofa, Co. Wicklow
'This innovative competition offers schools a unique opportunity to perform for each other in one of Ireland's leading music venues, the National Concert Hall. From the inception of the idea of entering the competition there came a wonderful lift in spirit that derived from seeing so many young musicians, singers and dancers perform and express themselves so well on stage. To be able to perform in the National Concert Hall was a true honour as one child remarked, but to win first prize was the icing on the cake. We as a school community will cherish those memories for many years to come. Róisín, one of our performers, summed it up in her own words:
"The experience was truly unbelievable! At the beginning, everyone thought it would be a crazy thought and beyond our wildest dreams to get to the finals, let alone think of even winning! At the start, we barely knew one another, but by the end we were more than just a choir, we were a family. I would like to thank Waltons for that, for making us try our best to get to the National Concert Hall, for helping us to work on more intricate harmonies, sweeter melodies and of course making memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you."'
– George MacAdam and John Cryan, Teachers
St. Mochta's National School, Dublin
'We were absolutely delighted to win Second Prize in the Music for Schools Competition this year and appreciate that so much. But even before the results were announced, we had said that we were winners already to get to perform in the National Concert Hall and have such an amazing experience. We are so grateful to have been given this opportunity, and every single child who participated got so much from the experience. They loved every second of it. Apart from getting to see the National Concert Hall and actually getting to perform there (which was AMAZING), I saw their faces lighting up as they watched the performances of the other schools, and there were huge smiles on their faces from the moment they got on the bus that morning until we arrived back at school that night. It really was an incredible experience for all of us, and we are so, so grateful for it.'
– Grainne Fox, Music Coordinator
St. Teresa's National School, Co. Longford
Post-Primary Finalists
'To win this competition has truly been a dream come true. It has been such an uplifting and positive experience for the students and teachers involved. Blending the genres of Pop, Rock, Rap, Classical, Traditional Irish Music and Voice brought about an opportunity for students from First year to Fifth year to collaborate together, work hard and bond in a most remarkable way. This exposure to music fusion has provided a platform for each student to broaden their educational experience and compliment their classroom lessons. It has been a thoroughly worthwhile experience, and I recommend the Music for Schools Competition and process to every school and music department in the country.'
– Ciarán Somers, Teacher
Borris Vocational School, Co. Carlow
'The Finalists Concert was a really brilliant experience. To see schools from all over the country and the level of support they offered each other was something I've never experienced in other competitions. There was a real sense of fun as well as well as the gravity of the event on our national stage. To be able to perform in the National Concert Hall was an experience in itself, but to win first prize really was the icing on the cake after a fantastic experience on the day. It is a feeling that will stay with us all for a long time to come.'
– Fearghus Fallon, Teacher
Castleknock College, Dublin 15
'It has raised the profile of Music, Choir and Orchestra to another level! We have now achieved, along with the rugby and soccer teams, and that is great for music in the school. A couple of students switched to music from another subject in First Year!'
– Róisín Lavery, Teacher
Crescent College Comprehensive, Co. Limerick
'Participating in the competition was an experience that neither the students nor I will ever forget. It is so important that this competition keeps going and more and more students each year get to participate. Obviously exams, etc. are very important, but when they leave school, they might not remember what they got in their geography exam but they will certainly remember participating in the Music for Schools Competition.
The experience bonded my group of students immensely, and students from all years have developed friendships that would have never been there otherwise. As a teacher in an all-girls school, I would say that the vast majority of our students struggle with confidence. The entire process from start to finish has undoubtedly helped with this. From the preparation of their piece and video to the performance in the National Concert Hall to having all of their peers watch the girls perform in the final and congratulate them on returning home, this competition will vastly improve the girls' confidence, both on and off stage. Of course, the prize money and the instruments that we will buy with it will also continue to encourage students to take up music and improve their performing skills every single day.'
– Suzanne Creaven, Teacher
Laurel Hill Secondary School, Co. Limerick
'We can't even begin to express how thankful we are for your dedication to promoting music in Irish schools. The journey through the Music for Schools Competition with our students has been an absolute blast from start to finish. We've all been raving about it non-stop! One of the best parts of this process has been bringing together this wonderfully diverse group of students, from all different ages, backgrounds, and abilities, to create something truly magical. The energy and excitement of the students as we worked on developing our piece were just electric, and then seeing their faces when it all came together was the ultimate reward.
The competition has also had an amazing ripple effect within our school community, igniting excitement and enthusiasm among our students. There are now many students who are eager to get involved next year. It was a wonderful experience for some, helping them break out of their comfort zones and connect with others in ways they hadn't before. The sense of accomplishment and pride generated through the competition reminds us all that music moves us, bringing people together and lifting up their spirits. Thank you to all of the team for making this journey so incredibly fulfilling for all of us!'
– Ursula Finnegan and Colin Doyle, Teachers
Loreto Secondary School, Co. Dublin
'The Music for Schools Competition is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best events in the country at the moment. It allows students to perform in the most prestigious venue in the country, mix with so many other schools and most importantly it fosters a wonderful sense of creativity in students allowing them to have an input into creating a performance and does not exclude any style. This sense of inclusiveness makes preparing performances a pleasure with nobody being left out. To look around at 1,200 people smiling, cheering and singing during the interval act was certainly uplifting and will be a memory never forgotten.'
– Cara Murray, Teacher
Our Lady's Secondary School, Co. Monaghan
'The Music for Schools Competition has given the school a great boost in terms of staff, students and parents. It has been a terrific promotion of the school on a wider scale and will have an impact on students who take music as a subject in the future. The music facilities in the school will also benefit hugely from winning the prize.'
– Ita Cunningham, Teacher
Presentation College, Co. Galway
'The Music for Schools Competition is undoubtedly the best music competition and event in the country for schools. No other competition allows students to have so much creative input into the music making process, while having fun! And to top it all off, the Finalists get to perform in the most prestigious venue in Ireland. The entire experience is inclusive, friendly and a pleasure to be involved in. There is something very special about the Finalists Concert in the National Concert Hall – the energy, the comradery and the mutual support is powerful. Thank you for making our jobs as music teachers so fulfilling and more enjoyable!'
– Mícheál Kerr, Teacher
Scoil Mhuire, Co. Meath
'I had one parent who quietly approached me last week to thank me for including her daughter in our group. This gorgeous shy little girl has struggled in school since first year. Her parents have been so worried and concerned for her. Her mam explained that being part of the group has changed her life. She has found a confidence from within and has made new friends. I no longer see her on her own walking the corridors at lunchtime but among a lovely group of girls chatting and having a laugh. It's moments like this that make our job so worthwhile. It goes to prove that it is the extra-curricular activities in our schools that will make or break the next generation.'
– Yvonne Muldoon, Teacher
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Co. Westmeath
'The Competition has benefited our students enormously. They have gone from strength to strength in confidence and really have thrived. They have a deeper appreciation of music of all types and have established long lasting friendships throughout.'
– Emer Prendergast, Teacher
Ursuline College, Co. Sligo
Standout School
'All in Scoil Bernadette were thrilled that the Scoil Ber Samba Band were chosen to perform in the Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition Finalists Concert in 2024. The whole event was extremely well planned in advance and brilliantly organised on the day. Our students felt involved, included and important! Thanks to John, Aideen, Evelyn and all who helped to make it such a brilliant event.'
– Colman Motherway, Deputy Principal
Scoil Bernadette, Co. Cork

Comments by Student Performers
Primary Students
'I hope I get to do this again!'
'I loved how we got to brainstorm and create our own piece. I also loved that all ages were involved. Our group even had two Senior Infants in it!'
'I loved it! The secondary schools were amazing!'
'It was my first time in the National Concert Hall, and I was very nervous. But everyone was so nice and welcoming, and the schools were so supportive that I wasn't nervous at all in the end!'
'We were super excited when our school was selected for the final, and when we actually brought home a prize, we felt like heroes!'
'It's the best thing I have ever done, and I hope many more schools get to participate.'
'Thank you for this opportunity. I'll never forget it.'
'The most exciting thing I've ever done!'
Post-Primary Students
'I loved watching the other schools perform, and I'm so grateful to Waltons for the competition as it has given me an insight into new musical styles and the talent in Irish schools.'
'It was great to see the other groups perform, as it allowed us to praise each school and how much they put into their performance. And I really enjoyed the musical atmosphere.'
'I think the competition is a great idea, as you get to see the talent of other schools and students from all over Ireland. I also think that putting the primary and secondary together was very effective, I and hope it remains that way.'
'A brilliant day out and amazing to see the talent that every school has!'
'I can't think of anything else that provides the opportunity for so many different ages to work together on a project. Our entry this year included students from first to sixth year!'
'I loved the whole process, from brainstorming about the theme to rehearsing our entry and performing it. I would have been happy just to be commended, and making it to the Finalists Concert was the icing on the cake. We didn't win a prize this year, but I look forward to trying again!'
'A great competition that brings schools from around the country together through music.'
'I only wish our school had got involved in the competition a bit sooner. I got to participate in my fifth and sixth year, and I envy the first and second year students who'll be involved for a much longer time.'
'I think it's a great idea to have all the participants seated in the auditorium to see the competition and witness the talent of other schools. I really enjoyed watching the primary school participants, and I can't believe how talented they are!'
'Amazing opportunity! The idea is fantastic and leaves so much space to be original.'

Comments by Past Adjudicators
'Behind the facts and figures relating to music education in Ireland, there lies an indisputable truth, thrillingly exemplified on the stage of the National Concert Hall during the Music for Schools Competition Finalists Concert: the depth of musical creativity among our young people is simply astonishing. This creativity, borne of endless hours practice and dedication and lovingly nurtured by music teachers throughout the country, is one of the greatest cultural assets our country could wish for. What an honour and privilege to witness at first hand the flourishing of Ireland's musical talent. Bravo to all involved!'
– David Brophy
Conductor, Music Educator
'It was such a pleasure for me to be part of the Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Finalists Concert and to see just how uplifting the whole event was. From early morning, the level of excitement in the National Concert Hall was unbelievable! The toughest part of being an adjudicator was deciding on the winning groups, as each and every group and performance had some moments of pure magic in them. The standard across the board was very impressive, and it was obvious that this competition was a huge focus for each school in the weeks and months leading up to the day. Congratulations to all involved in putting this all together – what an important and wonderful opportunity for the students. Beir bua agus beannacht.'
– Zoë Conway
Musician, Composer, Music Educator
'I have had the pleasure of being involved with Waltons RTÉ lyric fm Music for Schools Competition for many years, both as an adjudicator of the very first Finalists Concert in 2012 and since 2017 as part of the initial assessment panel that forensically reviews all entrants and selects the twelve Finalists each year. I have seen and felt the enthusiasm and passion that schools display in their entries. I have seen the benefits that schools derive, not just from winning, but also from simply participating and entering the Competition. Equally, I have seen the enthusiasm and felt the passion of the Waltons team – John Mardirosian and Aideen Walton – and how dedicated they are to the project. Long may it continue!'
– Carl Corcoran
Broadcaster, Songwriter, Musician, Music Educator
'Hearing such fantastic music making on the stage of the National Concert Hall, and seeing the young musicians move and play with such confidence and joy, filled me with pride and admiration for them, their parents, their teachers and everyone who has contributed towards giving these musicians a gift that will always be with them. If this is where music education is headed, then we are in safe hands. A totally exhilarating and life-affirming experience.'
– Ellen Cranitch
Broadcaster, Composer, Musician
'I would like to congratulate all the young people on the stage today. It is really inspiring for me to see the truly excellent work that you have done, and what is most palpable is the passion oozing from every note, move and nuance. Outstanding to me also are your teachers. Thank you for being such wonderful catalysts in this beautiful event. Without a doubt my head is fizzing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.'
– Julie Feeney
Composer, Singer-Songwriter
'The energy in the National Concert Hall, on the day of the Finalists Concert, could have boosted the national grid! It really was electric. The participating students and audience clearly had a sense of what a marvellous privilege it is to perform in this prestigious venue. I especially loved the way schools supported the work of their "rivals", jumping to their feet in appreciation at the end of the stand-out performances. How lucky these pupils are to have teachers who give them the tools to develop such creative responses to the theme. And how lucky these teachers are to have pupils who commit themselves so totally to music-making of such high quality. My heart soared throughout the day – and long after.'
– Evelyn Grant
Broadcaster, Musician, Educator
'The Music for Schools Competition offers a unique opportunity for schools all over Ireland – a musical focal point for their efforts, and an opportunity to perform for each other in Ireland's premier music venue, the National Concert Hall. Once again, the shortlisted schools were up for the live challenge, providing the adjudicators with a tough task of deciding on the winners from an array of such quality. The enthusiasm of the students and teachers was palpable and infectious; the atmosphere was electric; the music innovative and magical. One of the highlights of my year.'
– Deborah Kelleher
Director, Royal Irish Academy of Music
'I was delighted that John Mardirosian asked me to be involved in this great occasion made up of so many of brilliant musicians – the next generation of our finest musical minds. It was a tough assignment for us, having to grade performances against one another, given the overall quality of the playing, singing and dancing from everyone. But we were firmly agreed that despite the element of competition, there were no losers, only winners, on this happy occasion. And it was emotional: I know that we both felt quite overwhelmed at this beautiful display of heart and soul coming at us from start to finish. Great credit is due to the talented and committed teachers who motivate, inspire and focus their students. Their dedication, along with Waltons New School of Music's vision and generosity, makes this event what it is: an enormous boost to the music of this island that will repay us for many years to come. It was an honour and a joy to be part of this lovely day. Long may the Music for Schools Competition flourish!'
– Dónal Lunny
Musician, Composer
'I have two things to say about this Finalists Concert. First, to your parents, teachers, friends and mentors, and to yourselves, you are a credit. And second, what we saw today was a product, a goal you were working towards, but the process is equally important. So remember all of those hours of practice, of working together, and the friendships that have developed. These experiences will stay with you forever. And remember that participation, making music together, is the most special thing that you can take away from today. Thank you so much for your wonderful performances. It was a pleasure to be part of this.'
– Gwen Moore
Coordinator, MA Music Education, University of Limerick
'I have been enchanted by the stage since I first witnessed the finals of Slógadh in 1972. There I saw young people put together a show similar to what I witnessed in the National Concert Hall. Such events empower the imagination of all those involved. I saw dreams becoming real, and most importantly I saw a great time being had and shared by everyone present. It was a particularly moving to experience this in the light of what young people currently have to endure in other parts of the world, where despite their circumstances people continue to love one another and continue to make the music that nourishes us together. Praise goes to everyone involved in the making of this. Praise goes to the miracle of music and to the stories that will be told about it.'
– Liam Ó Maonlaí
Musician, Songwriter, Composer
'One of the highlights of the year for us was to experience this extraordinarily joyous celebration of music and dancing. You seemed to perform from the very centre of your hearts, and there was such a wide variety of themes and artistic enterprise. The experience reminded me of a poem by Seamus Heaney called "The Rainstick" and what he describes when you upend a rainstick as "a music you never would have known to listen for". It is said that performing music is performing a part of yourself that you grow into. All of the descriptions of the Finalist schools indicated a belief that what young people are doing with these performances is expanding your consciousness, growing your personalities and most importantly developing a confidence that you will be able to bring with you, no matter what you do in life.'
– Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin
Composer, Musician, Educator
'Two things stood out in my mind during this superb display of talent at the NCH. The first was the tremendous lift to the spirit that comes from seeing so many young musicians, singers and dancers perform. The second was the ease and confidence with which they moved from traditional Irish music to classical to contemporary – it was truly music without boundaries and a credit to all involved.'
– Bill Whelan
Composer, Musician